Chinese Buddhism
Chinese Buddhism
Databases (Find Articles and Reports)

This database contains records for over 140,000 articles published in Chinese Buddhist Journals of the Republican Era (1911-1949). These are all articles collected in the Minguo fojiao qikan wenxian jicheng 民國佛教期刊文獻集成, (Complete Collection of Republican-Era Buddhist Periodical Literature) (MFQ), and its supplement the Minguo fojiao qikan wenxian jicheng bubian 民國佛教期刊文獻集成.補編, (MFQB).
A collaborative gathering of information related to Buddhism in China between 1850 and 1950 CE.

FoGuangPedia 佛光百科 is a collaborative platform for understanding, researching, discussing and sharing information on Humanistic Buddhism 人間佛教, Venerable Master Hsing Yun's works and collections 星雲大師文集, Fo Guang Shan's terminologies 佛光山詞彙, Buddhism Q&A 佛學問答, Buddhist translations, and many others information and topics related to the propagation of Humanistic Buddhism in English. Also: academic papers, books, Venerable Master Hsing Yun's collections, newsletters, FGS translations, ritual & ceremony, Ch'an meditation materials,lectures, teaching materials, etc.

A database which indexes Chinese/English journal articles published in Hong Kong.

瑜伽師地論》(Yogācārabhūmi) 是印度大乘佛教瑜伽行派和中國法相宗之源流,亦是玄奘西行取經求法之動機。內容記載著瑜伽師(禪師)的修行階位與境界之百科全書。
本資料庫採用TEI的標籤集(tag sets),標記(markup)《瑜伽師地論》之異譯本、注釋書、梵文原典、藏譯本等電子資料,將其結構特色(structural features)作互參(cross-reference) 標記,以便相互對照。

A database which indexes Chinese/English journal articles published in Hong Kong.

A national Chinese database with full text articles in philosophy and social sciences.
⚠️ On Campus use only.
Off Campus/Non-UWest users can access articles by signing up for an individual account through this link.
Chinese Buddhist Canon
From the Buddhist Studies Authority Database Project 佛學規範資料庫, cross referencing various editions of the Buddhist canon in Buddhism.

This is a working bibliography of translations of Chinese Buddhist texts from the Taishō edition of the canon into Western languages. Some translations of extra-canonical Chinese Buddhist texts are included.
Helps to "locate in the various texts and textual corpora (approximate) textual matches and to study them from various angles."
Software for reading and searching through the Chinese Canon.
The aim of the database is to record information about ascriptions of Chinese Buddhist texts, especially in the very many cases in which scholars have questioned received ascriptions (as embodied, for example, in Taishō bylines).
"As we have received them, the texts of the Chinese Buddhist canon (usually accessed via the Taishō edition), and other Chinese Buddhist texts, are rife with problems of incorrect attribution and dating. It is therefore imperative that scholars vigorously exercise critical awareness with regard to traditional attributions and dates. However, it is often difficult for individual scholars to keep abreast of evidence, arguments and judgments in primary literature and secondary scholarship, which might bear on the critical assessment of attributions or dates for individual texts. The Chinese Buddhist Canonical Attributions database (CBC@) is a user-contributor reference tool designed to help scholars collaborate to keep track of information regarding such questions."

A collection of multi-lingual Tripitaka catalogues. "There are 22 editions and about 33,700 catalogs from Chinese Buddhist Tripitaka, including the stone carved "Fangshan Shijing". The Tibetan Buddhist Tripitaka has about 4,569 catalogues, the Pali Tipitaka has 7,003 catalogues of Nikaya and Agama suttas, and there are also Sanskrit catalogs, deriving mainly from the manuscripts found in Central Asia."
"...a multilingual presentation of Buddhist literature sentence by sentence in Sanskrit, Chinese, Tibetan, English, etc." Texts can be read in parallel, sentence by sentence or via search.
"...a comprehensive list of Chinese Buddhist texts. It currently contains 4418 texts by 1513 authors/translators/compilers." -- Introduction.
Chinese Classic Texts
An online digital library that makes pre-modern (pre-Qin and Han, post-Han) Chinese texts available online. Includes annotations, overlayed dictionary entries, references, English translations, and more.
"With MARKUS you can upload a file in classical Chinese (and perhaps in the future other languages) and tag personal names, place names, temporal references, and bureaucratic offices automatically. You can also upload your own list of key terms for automated tagging. You can then read a document while checking a range of reference works at the same time, or compare passages in which the same names or keywords appear." Check its research blog examples of how the data extracted from this tool is used.
Dissertations & Theses
Reference (Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Bibliographies)

The translation was made from the second edition (1958) of A.P. Buddhadatta's "Concise Pali-English Dictionary". First published in Colombo, this edition is now available as reprint (Delhi: Motilal Barnasidass) 294 pgs.
From the Buddhist Studies Authority Database Project 佛學規範資料庫, cross referencing names of important individuals in Buddhism.
From the Buddhist Studies Authority Database Project 佛學規範資料庫, cross referencing names of important geographic locations in Buddhism.
Edited by Dr. U. Theobald, Senior Lecturer, Department of Chinese Studies, University of Tübingen, Germany.
From the Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, this online search engine searches for terms across multiple Buddhist dictionaries and glossaries.

A compilation of Buddhist terms, texts, temple, schools, persons, etc. found in Buddhist canonical sources with indices to other major Buddhist dictionaries. Unlimited search available via link above.
- Non-UWest patrons can login with "guest" (limited to 10 searches per day)
- Android app: DDB Access (unlimited search does not work off campus, use 'guest' to make up to 10 searches)
A series of short video tutorials on researching with Chinese, Japanese, and Korean topics and languages.
A general purpose Chinese text reader and Chinese-English dictionary with an emphasis on Buddhist terminology.
An English translation of the Ming Shi-lu, which can be searched and browsed by year.
"...a free database of placenames and historical administrative units for the Chinese Dynasties."
From the Buddhist Studies Authority Database Project 佛學規範資料庫, cross referencing calendars and measurements of time in Buddhist literature.
Related Periodicals (Journals, Magazines, and Newspapers)

"...seeks to deepen understanding and further the pursuit of knowledge about the peoples and cultures of Asia."

A journal of the Association of Chinese Philosophers in America.
"...a scholarly journal dedicated to the historical study of Chinese Buddhism in the premodern and modern periods."

"...carries articles on all aspects of Buddhism as well as English translations of classical Buddhist texts and works by modern Buddhist thinkers."
Related Books
Chinese-language printed books and bound manuscripts produced before 1796.
Citing with Chicago Manual of Style
Guides on citing Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Persian, and Punjabi sources in APA, Chicago, and MLA.
This guide from Yale gives an overview of how to cite Chinese, Japanese and Korean sources in Chicago style.