Korean Buddhism
Korean Buddhism
Databases (Find Articles and Reports)

Database of journal articles published by major Korean research institutions. Some articles are freely accessible with account registration. For items that charge fees, you may request the item from the document delivery/interlibrary loan service.

Korean scholarly search engine, includes Korean dissertations.
Not all items with 'Full-text' has free open access full-text. If you are unable to download the PDF, please use the citation information to request it from us.
Chinese Buddhist Canon

This is a working bibliography of translations of Chinese Buddhist texts from the Taishō edition of the canon into Western languages. Some translations of extra-canonical Chinese Buddhist texts are included.
Full text of 85 volumes of Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō (大正新脩大藏經). Text is searchable and helpful tools include auto-searching the Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and cross referencing to the English canon from Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (BDK).
Reference (Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Bibliographies)
A series of short video tutorials on researching with Chinese, Japanese, and Korean topics and languages.
Related Periodicals (Journals, Magazines, and Newspapers)

"...seeks to deepen understanding and further the pursuit of knowledge about the peoples and cultures of Asia."

"...carries articles on all aspects of Buddhism as well as English translations of classical Buddhist texts and works by modern Buddhist thinkers."
Related Books
Citing with Chicago Manual of Style
This guide from Yale gives an overview of how to cite Chinese, Japanese and Korean sources in Chicago style.