

Databases (Find Articles and Reports)

JSTOR Understanding Shakespeare Select items at the resource for UWest patrons only.

"Pick a play. Click a line. Instantly see articles on JSTOR that reference the line."

Non-UWest users may go to:

LitFinder For current UWest patrons only.

Over 140,000 full-text poems, 7,100 full-text short stories and novels, 3,800 full-text essays, 1,700 full-text plays, and 2,400 full-text speeches. Including those by William Shakespeare.

Literature Resource Center For current UWest patrons only.

Contains essays, criticisms, reviews, and biography of prominent authors, including William Shakespeare.


Folger Shakespeare Library

Find a vast collection of articles and original images about Shakespeare and his works.

Related Books

Complete Works of William Shakespeare

This site contains the complete no-frills texts of William Shakespeare. The electronic format makes it easier to look for certain words the works.