A audio podcast program that is interested preserving and honoring stories from diverse groups of people. Each episode comes with a transcript to following along.
Reference (Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Bibliographies)

Look up thousands of different subjects and terms. Double-click on any word in an entry to check the definition.
Apps and Programs
A language learning website to help you learn vocabulary in English and many other languages.

A language learning website to help you learn vocabulary in English and many other languages.
A business podcast which shows how businesses can grow. Guests are gender balanced 50/50 men and women. Each episode comes with a transcript to follow along.

Hosted by Dickinson College, the site is open to anyone looking to practice a with a native speaker in exchange for help with their own.
A public radio program with stories about American people and their lives. Each episode has a transcript available to follow along.

Provided by the Sacramento County Office of Education, a free website for adults to learn English. Here you can practice English speaking, reading, writing, listening, grammar, vocabulary and more.
Purdue University's excellent guide to writing and more for ESL students.