Example assignment: You need to do a paper or report on an advertisingĀ campaign that uses Integrated Marketing Communications. So you want to find some popularĀ examples, because those will have more analysis and data available. Then you can pick one to write about.
In this beginning step, you're not really looking for in-depth analysis or academic research yet, just a popular or award-winning list to choose from.
Option 1: Google is a good way to find out what's popular.

The idea is to use your important words to search, your KEYWORDS. The quotation marks around "integrated marketing communications" tell the search that you want results that mention those three word together, in a specific order, that exact phrase.
After you've picked out a company and its campaign, then you want to shift your research to analysis by industry professionals and academic researchers, not just any website that has an opinion (rememberĀ the CRAAP test when it comes to evaluating your sources). So instead of continuing to use Google, go to a business database such as theĀ ABI/Inform Collection or Google Scholar @ UWest. If you are not sure how to use these databases, view a quick guide on how to find information about an ad campaign with ABI/Inform Collection or Google Scholar.
Option 2: Discover award-winning campaigns in the ad showcases and databases:
- American Advertising Awards 2020 (Past winners): Look under each category at the top and find entries relevant to the type of campaign you're looking for. In this assignment example, you're looking for 'Integrated' campaigns:

You can find factual details about each ad under its entry. For more in-depth information, shift your research to analysis by industry professionals and academic researchers, not just any website that has an opinion (rememberĀ the CRAAP test when it comes to evaluating your sources). Go to a business database such as theĀ ABI/Inform Collection or Google Scholar @ UWest. If you are not sure how to use these databases, view a quick guide on how to find information about an ad campaign with ABI/Inform Collection or Google Scholar.