Donations Policy

Donations of materials, such as books and periodicals, contribute to the development and support of academic programs of the university. However, due to the limited space of the library, we ask potential donors to review our donation policy before sending or delivering books and other media items to us.

Book or Media Donations
To inquire about a donation, please submit to the library via email a title list (with publisher and year) or pictures of spine titles in order for the library to check for duplication and to determine the appropriateness of the items. Items with conditions such as water damage, infestation, and excessive writing will be declined. Magazines are not needed unless as replacements for missing issues in the collection or if a continuing gift is planned.

The library will selectively accept donations of materials with the understanding that upon receipt they are owned by the university, and as such, the library administration reserves the right to determine their retention, location, cataloging treatment, and other considerations related to their use or disposal.

The library is unable to arrange for pickup of material donations and will not be responsible for costs related to packing and delivery.

Acknowledgment of Donations
Donations are acknowledged by an appreciation letter from library. A numerical count and a very general description will be provided. The library does not provide appraisals of donated materials.

Identifying Donations
By request, the library will identify the donorโ€™s name by means of appropriate stamped signage in the books.
