Google Research Tools

Google Research Tools

FAQs: How to download a free Google Books ebook?

📍 How to download a free ebook in PDF or EPUB format from Google Books?

Books out of copyright may be available for download via Google Books. If you are looking specifically for downloadable books, use the Tools filter:


Once you have found a free book, as noted by the 'Ebook -Free' button and/or the thumbnail icon, select the settings icon to find the download PDF link.



FAQs: How to get a full text of a Google Scholar article?

📍 Using Google Scholar to find articles on your topic

A video and PDF version of this tutorial is available.


If you are not already logged in to your library account, you will be sent to the login page. This helps verify that you, as a UWest library patron, are allowed to use the version of Google Scholar that is linked with UWest databases.






📍 How to get check if UWest has the full text from a Google Scholar result?

Look for the Find It @ UWest link next to the Google Scholar results (if you click on the title link, it may ask you to pay). Our link will take you to the full text we have available in our databases:

Click on Find It @ UWest at the right hand side.

You may also find other full text links on the right hand side. If you run into problems accessing Google Scholar, you may reset UWest settings by going to this link and saving the setting:

If there is no link, or if the link is broken, click on Cite, it will provide you with the bibliographic information to get from citation to full text.

Quick Links

Google Books Mixed abstract and full-text.

Search for books in the public domain or snippets of copyrighted books.

Google Books Ngram Viewer

Find and compare word use frequency of all the books in Google Books.

Google Earth

Use Google Earth to explore geographical regions and present information geographically. Example: Myths and Legends from Around the World.

Google Public Data

Using public datasets and metrics from the US Census, World Bank, IMF, WTO and various international organizations, Google Public Data Explorer makes it easy to visualize comparisons of statistics between various countries.

Google Scholar @ UWest Select items at the resource for UWest patrons only. Mixed abstract and full-text.

Use the power of Google to search for books, articles, and online resources. Access via UWest to incorporate our full text database resources.

👩‍🏫 Short 5 min. tutorial on accessing library resources with Google Scholar: PDF, Video. If you encounter an error such as "ERROR for site owner: Invalid domain for site key" or any of the other functions/features of Google Scholar, then use the personalized Google Scholar setup instead.

Non-Uwest patrons: Alternative access.

Google Scholar Button

An extension for Firefox or Chrome that can help you find full-text articles on Google scholar, along with other features such as cited by and related articles. Includes a citing feature--watch out for errors such as capitalization and punctuation.

Google Scholar: Case Law

Find case laws from federal and state courts.

Lazy Scholar

An extension for Firefox or Chrome that can help you find full-text articles, along with other features such as citation metrics and related articles. Includes a citing feature--watch out for errors such as capitalization and punctuation.


Official Google scholar blog

Keep up to date on new features with the official Google scholar blog.