Dissertations And Theses By Country
Dissertations and Theses By Country
Regional or Multiple

Research in Ministry is a thesis and dissertation abstract database. Users can search graduate works related to ministry, theology and religion.
Aggregating the world’s open access research papers, including theses and dissertations.

Access to 714,660 open access research theses from 601 Universities in 28 European countries.

Find dissertations and theses from all over the world.
OATD searches across multiple institutions to find open access full-text theses and dissertations.
South Korea

Korean scholarly search engine, includes Korean dissertations.
Not all items with 'Full-text' has free open access full-text. If you are unable to download the PDF, please use the citation information to request it from us.

South Korea's National Assembly Library, includes deposits of Korean dissertations.
Sri Lanka

National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan.
United Kingdom

Search over 400,000 doctoral theses. Download instantly for your research, or order a scanned copy quickly and easily.
United States

This research database indexes thousands of theses and dissertations accepted by American universities from 1902 to the present.
Users not affiliated with UWest may use this link instead.

Dissertations & thesis from University of California campuses. Some titles maybe embargoed.