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Find information about the library (Website): Borrowing information, study room reservations, print and copy services.

  1. Recall

  2. Recalling a book is putting in a request to have a book returned to the library before its due date. If you place a recall on a book, you should be able to obtain the book within 2 weeks.

  3. Document Delivery (Interlibrary Loan)

  4. Do you need a book or article for your research and the library does not have it? (Please note, the library does not process requests for required textbooks for current ongoing courses.) The library can provide your item to you by requesting it from other libraries or sources. We will contact you when it is available via your UWest email. If you have a special case or request, please come to the library in person and we will do our best to assist you.

  5. Course Reserves

  6. Course reserves are reference & supplemental course material placed behind the circulation desk by course instructor request. These items have short-term loan periods as stated in the library catalog. Patrons may view course reserves for their course(s) here. If you have more questions about the library and class textbooks, please see below.


    Loan Policy

    1. One course reserve item may be checked-out per patron.

  7. Reserve Placement Policy

  8. The purpose of this reserve placement policy is to provide guidelines for assuring UWest faculty and library patrons in compliance with the Section 107 of copyright law of the United States. This federal law governs the making of photocopies and other electronic types of learning resources for university community.

  9. Resource Legend

  10. There are some resources on the library website that have certain usage restrictions. Please see below for a more detailed description of those restrictions.




    For current UWest patrons only.
