Buddhist Canon

Buddhist Canon

Buddhist Canon Indexes

Authority Database of Buddhist Tripitaka Catalogues 佛經目錄規範資料庫

From the Buddhist Studies Authority Database Project 佛學規範資料庫, cross referencing various editions of the Buddhist canon in Buddhism.


Helps to "locate in the various texts and textual corpora (approximate) textual matches and to study them from various angles."

Digital Database of Buddhist Tripitaka Catalogues 佛教藏經目錄數位資料庫 Mixed abstract and full-text.

A collection of multi-lingual Tripitaka catalogues. "There are 22 editions and about 33,700 catalogs from Chinese Buddhist Tripitaka, including the stone carved "Fangshan Shijing". The Tibetan Buddhist Tripitaka has about 4,569 catalogues, the Pali Tipitaka has 7,003 catalogues of Nikaya and Agama suttas, and there are also Sanskrit catalogs, deriving mainly from the manuscripts found in Central Asia."

Korean Buddhist Canon: A Descriptive Catalogue Abstract only.

This catalogue by Dr. Lewis Lancaster provides equivalent Buddhist canon titles in Sanskrit, Chinese, and Korean.

Multi-Language Title Search for Buddhist Texts 藏經題名多語對照檢索系統 Abstract only.

Lookup corresponding titles in Chinese, Sanskrit, Pali, English and Tibetan.

Thesaurus Literaturae Buddhicae

"...a multilingual presentation of Buddhist literature sentence by sentence in Sanskrit, Chinese, Tibetan, English, etc." Texts can be read in parallel, sentence by sentence or via search.

UWest Books on Buddhist canonical texts Physical item available at the library.

Use the filters to select for language.

Pali Buddhist Canon

Access to Insight

A popular Theravada Buddhist website providing access to a huge collection of translated texts from the Tipitaka, as well as contemporary materials published by the Buddhist Publication Society and many teachers from the Thai Forest Tradition. Includes guide to Pali abbreviation and sutta reference numbers.

Bibliotheca Polyglotta: Pāli Tipiṭaka
Online searchable database of Sixth Council edition of the Pali Canon digitized by the Vipāssana Research Institute in India.

Helps to "locate in the various texts and textual corpora (approximate) textual matches and to study them from various angles."

Critical Pāli Dictionary Online

Includes searching the dictionary online and a guide to Pāli text abbreviations.

Jātaka Stories

A free online searchable database of jātakas in Indian texts and art.

Sixth Council edition of Pali Canon
Online searchable database of Sixth Council edition of the Pali Canon digitized by the Vipāssana Research Institute in India.
Sutta Central

Sutta central provides the Pali Buddhist Canon with detailed references, parallels between texts, and original texts and translations. Includes many useful tools and links.

English Buddhist Canon

Access to Insight

A popular Theravada Buddhist website providing access to a huge collection of translated texts from the Tipitaka, as well as contemporary materials published by the Buddhist Publication Society and many teachers from the Thai Forest Tradition. Includes guide to Pali abbreviation and sutta reference numbers.

BDK Tripitaka Translation Series

Full text downloads of the BDK Tripitaka Translation Series. Click on a title and scroll down for the blue PDF download button.

Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (BDK) Daizokyo Text Database

This database enables searching of keywords through the text of the BDK Tripitaka Translation Series

Sutta Central

Sutta central provides the Pali Buddhist Canon with detailed references, parallels between texts, and original texts and translations, including English.

Manchu Buddhist Canon

Research Material for the Manchu Buddhist Canon

Comprising many important texts including the Heart Sutra and the Diamond-cutter Sutra in the Manchu language.

Sanskrit Buddhist Canon


Helps to "locate in the various texts and textual corpora (approximate) textual matches and to study them from various angles."

Digital Sanskrit Buddhist Canon

A joint project by University of the West and Nagarjuna Institute of Exact Methods to digitize Sanskrit Buddhist materials for scholarly use.

Mahāratnakūṭa Collection Abstract only.

This page is a digital, searchable research bibliography of all 49 texts in Mahāratnakūṭa Collection (MRK: Chinese Da baoji jing 大寶積經; Tibetan Dkon mchog brtsegs pa chen po). Find citations for translations and articles focusing on the different texts.

Tibetan Buddhist Canon

84000 Translating the Words of the Buddha

English translations of the Kangyur.

Buddhist Digital Resource Center Individual registration required.

Buddhist Digital Resource Center (formerly Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center) is dedicated to preserving and sharing Buddhist texts through the union of technology and scholarship. Over 15 million scanned pages, catalogs, and etexts can be searched and viewed through the website.

Mahāratnakūṭa Collection Abstract only.

This page is a digital, searchable research bibliography of all 49 texts in Mahāratnakūṭa Collection (MRK: Chinese Da baoji jing 大寶積經; Tibetan Dkon mchog brtsegs pa chen po).

Resources for Kanjur and Tanjur Studies

"...dedicated to making research on Tibetan Buddhist canonical collections openly accessible. The website provides comprehensive tools for studying canonical literature in more than 100 Kanjurs, Tanjurs, Tantra collections, and other collections of canonical literature. These include online catalogues, searchable e-texts, and an extensive archive of images of Tibetan manuscripts as well as secondary sources."

The Kanjur Buddhist Sūtras in Tibetan

Includes the canon in transliterated Tibetan.

Chinese Buddhist Canon

Bibliography of Translations from the Chinese Buddhist Canon into Western Languages Abstract only.

This is a working bibliography of translations of Chinese Buddhist texts from the Taishō edition of the canon into Western languages. Some translations of extra-canonical Chinese Buddhist texts are included.

CBETA Chinese Electronic Tripitaka Collection 電子佛典

Software for reading and searching through the Chinese Canon.

Chinese Buddhist Canonical Attributions database

The aim of the database is to record information about ascriptions of Chinese Buddhist texts, especially in the very many cases in which scholars have questioned received ascriptions (as embodied, for example, in Taishō bylines).

Mahāratnakūṭa Collection Abstract only.

This page is a digital, searchable research bibliography of all 49 texts in Mahāratnakūṭa Collection (MRK: Chinese Da baoji jing 大寶積經; Tibetan Dkon mchog brtsegs pa chen po).

NTI Buddhist Text Reader

A general purpose Chinese text reader and Chinese-English dictionary with an emphasis on Buddhist terminology and canon.

SAT Daizōkyō Text Database

Full text of 85 volumes of Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō (大正新脩大藏經). Text is searchable and helpful tools include auto-searching the Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and cross referencing to the English canon from Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (BDK).

Organizations and Associations

Buddhist Canon Studies

Includes news on the latest research, publications, conferences, and lectures about the Buddhist canon.