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From One Article, Get More

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Citation Gecko Mixed abstract and full-text.

Start from a small set of 'seed papers' that define an area you are interested. Gecko will search the citation network for connected papers allowing you to quickly identify important papers you may have missed.

Connected Papers

Explore connected papers in a visual graph.


Start with one paper and find other similar articles, along with important papers, journals, and authors in the same field.

Journal / Author Name Estimator Mixed abstract and full-text.

With an abstract, JANE is able to provide a list of authors and articles covering similar topics.


Litmaps creates citation maps from a 'seed' article or from an author's works.

Text Analyzer by JSTOR Labs Select items at the resource for UWest patrons only.

Enter text from any document or paper and the Text Analyzer finds related full text articles from JSTOR.

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