Find Articles About Your Topic


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Find Articles about Your Topic

FAQs: How to find articles from specific journals?

📍 How to find articles from my professor's recommended list of journals?

You would like to find articles about your topic from a list of journals, magazines, and newspapers your professor recommended. You have two options:

Option 1: Find the journal and search inside the journal for an article about your topic. To find the journal, go to the catalog and select the 'Journals' tab before you begin the search.



Use the journal title to do a search and if the library has the journal, you can click on the red 'Access Journal' button under the journal. If you are looking for a newspaper instead of journal, magazine, uncheck the filter and use the Newspaper filter instead. Click on 'Access journal' to go to that journal.


You can find the latest articles available in the database (again, not all databases have the latest articles) for that journal. If you want to find articles that talk about a specific issue or topic, you can also find a search box that is labeled with the option "Search within this journal", "Search within this publication", or "Search in this journal". Enter your topic keywords into that search box. Be careful not to use the website search--which will search the entire website with other journals that may not be from your professor's list.

You can use the filters (usually on the left side) to limit your articles by publication date after your search.

Repeat this process with other journals from your professor's list.


Option 2: This is less comprehensive in that you may not see results in every journal on your professor's list that the library has. However, this is a bit quicker. Start in a database with journal articles that covers your topic and do a search with your topic keywords.

1) Here are the databases you can start with:

Business: ABI_Inform Collection

Religion/Chaplaincy: ProQuest Religion

Psychology: PsycARTICLES

English: JSTOR

Liberal Arts: ProQuest Research Library

2) Search with keywords from your topic. When you get a list of results, use the filters (usually on the left side) to limit results to the articles that are from the journals you want. It is usually under under 'Publication (title)'


You should see articles that are only from the journals you selected. You can also use the filters to limit your articles by date.


FAQ: How to Use the Catalog to Find Articles

📍 How to use the catalog to find articles on a topic?

Step 1: What are the keywords of your topic?

Before you start looking for articles:

  • Using just one word or phrase to search will usually give you too much information that isn't always relevant to your topic. Is there something specific about your topic that you want to write about? Think about these aspects of your topic: Who, What, When, Where, and How. Try to think of nouns: names and things.
    • You can also try Topic Finder to discover different aspects of your topic.

Step 2: Write down the keywords.

Write down the keywords (the topic and the terms you thought of in step 1).

  • Include broader and narrower keywords ('iPhone' is narrower than 'cellphone')
  • Include synonyms.
  • Use "quotation marks" for names and phrases that need to be together: "Captain America," "climate change," "supply chain," etc.

Step 3: Find articles in the library catalog with combinations of your keywords.

a. Go to the homepage of the library, where you can search the library CATALOG with the keywords you wrote down in step 2. Try combinations of 2 or 3 keywords for best results.



b. Limit yourself to articles only, by selecting the option to the left side of the search results. If you want articles that were reviewed by other researchers, choose 'peer-reviewed.'





c. Click on the 'View...' button. It will direct you to the source that has the full text of this article:



d. If you need help citing, click on the 'Cite' link. In the pop-up box, select the appropriate style of your assignment (MLA for English and general education courses, APA for psychology courses, and Chicago (Notes - Bibliography) for Religious Studies and Chaplaincy courses). The citations are machine generated and may contain errors in capitalization and names.