Search Website

Find information about the library (Website): Borrowing information, study room reservations, print and copy services.

  1. How to get check if UWest has the full text from a Google Scholar result?

  2. ... Look for the Find It @ UWest link next to the Google Scholar results (if you click on the title link, it may ask you to pay). Our link will take you to the full text we have available in our database...

  3. Graduate Study Room Policy

  4. ...ay be monitored by camera for security and emergency management purposes. d.    Unauthorized access results in a permanent ban. These include but are not limited to: i.    Allowing non-students or stu...

  5. Boolean Search

  6. Boolean search is an option you can often find under Advanced Search area of databases. It just means using AND, OR, or NOT in your searches. The database does not understand the meaning of the keywords you are searching with, so if you have synonymous keywords and you want to use them in different combinations, your research can go much faster if you can use a Boolean operator. Otherwise you may need to search multiple times with multiple combinations of keywords.


  7. Currency: Internet vs. Library Databases

  8. When you use any library database, the publication dates can be limited, sorted, and are always displayed. You can always see the dates and narrow them down. The same can't be said for the results you find on popular search engines.

    Compare these screenshots of a search for 'virtual reality'. Dates are immediately visible in the search results of the ProQuest database. The Google results require more investigation.

  9. Limiting and Sorting

  10. ... Know Your Limits You can get hundreds or thousands of results, but you will not look through all of them. You can limit the results with filters usually at the left hand side. For example, you might ...
