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  1. Equipment

  2. Equipment List

    Click on the item link to see current availability. Contact us to make special arrangements on accessing equipment.

  3. Chicago Notes & Bibliography: Zotero Examples

  4. Examples of the types of item Zotero can cite in Chicago Style and what data to enter into each field.

  5. Authority: On the Internet

  6. Do you ever get junk email? Do you always trust emails sent to you from people you don't know? Of course not. Similarly, you can't always trust what you read on the Internet. And while this does not mean you can trust everything you find in a library database, at least there is a trail of responsibility. Library databases will provide the standard publisher and author information for each item it has.

    If you do decide to use a source on the internet, here is a way to check for the authority of the source:

  7. Public Domain

  8. Copyrights do expire.  Works eventually enter the public domain and may be freely used.  Current laws extend copyright protection for the life of the author plus 70 years.  Laws have changed over the years, so you would need to find what law was in effect when a work was created to determine if that work is still protected.

    Below is an item that is now in the public domain:

  9. Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loan

  10. OMIS is a tutorial designed to help you with your research process so that you can:

    1. Determine the extent of information needed.
    2. Access the needed information.
    3. Evaluate information and its sources critically.
    4. Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose.
    5. Access and use information ethically and legally.
