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World Bank Open Knowledge Repository

Research books, reports, and statistics from the World Bank.

WorldWideScience Mixed abstract and full-text.

This database provides a variety of science and technology information in ten different languages. The database translates search keywords into multiple languages, and search through various data available worldwide, and then answers come back with the language of the search keywords. Full text articles available under the 'Public Access' tab after search.


An open access repository for research data, including journal articles, datasets, and software. Currently contains mostly scientific research data, but open to all subjects. Affiliated with CERN and OpenAIRE.

國家圖書館期刊文獻資訊網 NCL Taiwan Periodical Literature Mixed abstract and full-text.

A database which indexes Chinese/English journal articles published in Hong Kong.

국회전자도서관 (National Assembly Library) Mixed abstract and full-text.

South Korea's National Assembly Library, includes deposits of Korean dissertations.

🏛️ On campus only: National Center for Philosophy and Social Science Documentation 国家哲学社会科学文献中心 For current UWest patrons only.

A national Chinese database with full text articles in philosophy and social sciences.

⚠️ On Campus use only.

Off Campus/Non-UWest users can access articles by signing up for an individual account through this link.
