Canonical Texts
Digital versions of the Old Testament and New Testament, viewable in parallel with Greek, Latin, and English translations.
Related Books
"The mission of the Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL) is to build up the church by making classic Christian literature widely available and promoting its use for edification and study by interested Christians, seekers and scholars."
Related Periodicals (Journals, Magazines, and Newspapers)
Reference (Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Bibliographies)
An expanded web version of theย The Coptic Encyclopedia (Aziz S. Atiya, ed. NY: Macmillan, 1991). "This monumental work, with approximately 2800 entries written by 215 scholars, covers treasures of Coptic language and literature; Copto-Arabic literature; Coptic art, architecture, archaeology, history, music, liturgy, theology, spirituality, monasticism; and biblical, apocryphal, social, and legal texts."
Databases (Find Articles and Reports)

"...a comprehensive bibliography for theology and religious studies. It is now possible to search not only for articles, but also for monographs, databases and relevant Internet links." Includes ability to search for Bible passages within its results.