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Base: Bielefeld Academic Search Engine

A multidisciplinary search engine to find scholarly materials. Developed by Bielefeld University in Germany.

Black Freedom Struggle in the United States

A selection of primary sources.

Brill Books and Journals Online For current UWest patrons only.

Brill is an academic publisher with specialties in humanities and social sciences.

Search with your keyword at the left under Refine Search > AllA green icon next to a title will indicate full text access.
Non-UWest patrons: Alternative access.


Aggregating the world’s open access research papers.

Digital Commons Network

Includes a growing collection of peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work.

ERIC (Educational Resource Information Center) Mixed abstract and full-text.

ERIC is an online library of education research and information, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education.

Exploring Race in Society
JSTOR (Collection I-VII) Select items at the resource for UWest patrons only.Mixed abstract and full-text.

UWest subscribes to JSTOR Arts and Sciences collections I-VII. These collections contain journals with full text articles in language and literature, as well as important titles in the fields of economics, music, film studies, folklore, performing arts, religion, and the history and study of art and architecture. Non-UWest users can access certain articles in the Register and Read program.

Our World in Data

Research and data to make progress against the world’s largest problems.

ProQuest Research Library (All ProQuest) For current UWest patrons only.Mixed abstract and full-text.

Indexes more than 2,500 magazine and journals on art, business, humanities, health, social sciences, and sciences. Interfaces available for many languages. Includes all ProQuest databases: ABI/Inform Collection, ProQuest Research Library, ProQuest Religion, ProQuest Psychology Journals, ProQuest PsycTests, PsycARTICLES, and Dissertation/Thesis Abstracts.

Semantic Scholar Mixed abstract and full-text.

This search engine can help you "home in on key publications, citation, and results..." on your topic. Once you hone in an article, there are automatic recommendations to other related citations, sorted by influence.

The Lens Mixed abstract and full-text.

Provides scholarly and patent search as well as linked references, citations, and recommended articles.

United Nations Digital Library Mixed abstract and full-text.

Publications, speeches, and records from the United Nations.