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Japanese Buddhism » Image Databases

Kyoto University Digital Library: Rare Materials Exhibition

Scanned gallery exhibitions of rare materials, including books, illustrations, and historical documents.

National Diet Library Digital Collections Mixed abstract and full-text.

Searches digital images and scans of Japanese books and periodicals.

Online Resource for Japanese Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Individual registration required.

"...an English-language interactive tool for teachers and students interested in incorporating the wonders of early Japan in teaching and learning across a range of subjects including history, geography, environment, cuisine and religious studies."

The Hyakugo Archives

"東寺百合文書 (Toji Hyakugo Monjo) refers to a collection of medieval Japanese documents originally preserved at Toji, a Buddhist temple in Kyoto. The huge collection comprises nearly 25,000 documents spanning roughly 1,000 years, from the 8th to 18th centuries. The bulk of the collection dates from the 14th and 15th centuries." All items have been digitized and are available via this website.