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Psychology ยป General Psychology

BioMed Central

Search for articles within over 290 open access and peer-reviewed journals from the subjects of biology and medicine. Journals are published by Springer Nature, a scientific and scholarly publishing company.

CiteSeerX Mixed abstract and full-text.

This search engine covers articles from many different topics, with a focus on scientific literature.

Clinician's Trauma Update Online (CTU-Online)

CTU-Online includes brief updates on the latest clinically relevant research on trauma. Hosted by the US Department of Veterans Affairs.

Cognitive Classics Abstract only.

"Cognitive Classics is a platform for classicists and others interested in cognitive approaches to the humanities." Two bibliographies focusing on how knowledge and thought is processed by the brain.

Digital Commons Network

Includes a growing collection of peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work. A large part of this database includes articles on social and behavioral sciences.

ERIC (Educational Resource Information Center) Mixed abstract and full-text.

ERIC is an online library of education research and information, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education.

Google Scholar @ UWest Select items at the resource for UWest patrons only.Mixed abstract and full-text.

Use the power of Google to search for books, articles, and online resources. Access via UWest to incorporate our full text database resources.

๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿซ Accessing library resources with Google Scholar: PDF, Video. If you encounter an error such as "ERROR for site owner: Invalid domain for site key", use the personalized Google Scholar setup instead.

Non-Uwest patrons: Alternative access.

Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development For current UWest patrons only.Mixed abstract and full-text.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology For current UWest patrons only.
Professional Psychology, Research & Practice For current UWest patrons only.Mixed abstract and full-text.
ProQuest PsycARTICLES For current UWest patrons only.

This database offers full-text articles from over 50 journals published by the American Psychological Association, the APA Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association and Hogrefe & Huber. The database includes all material from the print journals.

ProQuest Psychology For current UWest patrons only.Mixed abstract and full-text.

Provides abstracts and indexing for more than 650 journal titles, with over 540 titles available in full text. Dissertation content is available for the years spanning 2000 through 2006. Users get access to charts, diagrams, graphs, tables, photos, and other graphical elements essential to psychological research. Additionally, ProQuest Psychology Journals includes 4,000 full text dissertations representing a range of psychology disciplines including behavioral, clinical, cognitive, developmental, experimental, industrial, personality, physiological, psychobiology, psychometrics and social psychology.

Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training For current UWest patrons only.Mixed abstract and full-text.
PubMed Central Select items at the resource for UWest patrons only.Mixed abstract and full-text.

PMC is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM). Access via UWest to link to UWest full-text databases.

SafetyLit Abstract only.

"SafetyLit provides abstracts of reports from researchers who work in the more than 30 distinct professional disciplines relevant to preventing and researching unintentional injuries, violence, and self-harm."

Social Care Online Mixed abstract and full-text.Individual registration required.

The UK's largest database of information and research on all aspects of social care and social work. Updated daily resources include legislation, government documents, practice and guidance, systematic reviews, research briefings, reports, journal articles and websites.
Some 'free' (filter on left hand side after search) full text access is available with individual account registration.