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LC Classification » BQ 4911-5720

BQ 4911-5720

4911-4960    Practice of Buddhism – Forms of worship修行方法、禮拜儀式
4965-5030   Ceremonies and rites. Ceremonial rules儀式儀軌
5035-5065       Hymns. Chants. Recitations 唱讚、誦經
5070-5075       Altar, liturgical objects, ornaments, memorials, etc. 祭壇、祭拜物、飾物、紀念物等
5080-5085       Vestments, altar clothes, etc. 袈裟
5090-5095       Liturgical functions 儀式功用
5100-5125       Symbols and Symbolism 象徵
5130-5137       Temples. Temple organization 寺廟、寺廟組織
5140-5355       Buddhist Ministry. Priesthood Organization 僧侶、叢林規則
5251-5305       Education and training 教育與訓練
5310-5350       Preaching  弘法
5360-5680   Religious life宗教生活
5485-5530       Precepts for laymen五戒十善
5535-5594       Devotional literature Meditations. Prayers皈依文、禪定、回向發願
5595-5633       Devotion. Meditation Prayer皈依、禪定、發願
5635-5675       Mysticism. Enlightenment. Perfection感應、覺悟、圓滿
5700-5720  Festivals. Days and seasons 節慶