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Digital Dictionary of Buddhism Select items at the resource for UWest patrons only.

A compilation of Buddhist terms, texts, temple, schools, persons, etc. found in Buddhist canonical sources with indices to other major Buddhist dictionaries. Unlimited search available via link above.

  • Non-UWest patrons can login with "guest" (limited to 10 searches per day)
  • Android app: DDB Access (unlimited search does not work off campus, use 'guest' to make up to 10 searches)
Encyclopedia Britannica For current UWest patrons only.

Contains full-text articles from Encyclopedia Britannica.

Encyclopedia of Religion For current UWest patrons only.

This is the online version of the second edition of this highly regarded encyclopedia (physical version also available: http://uwest.worldcat.org/oclc/56057973). Comes with searchable full text entries, with information intended to reflect both changes in academia and in the world since 1987. Includes almost all of the 2,750 original entries -- many heavily updated -- as well as approximately 600 entirely new articles.

Oxford Bibliographies for Buddhism For current UWest patrons only.Mixed abstract and full-text.

Provides concise overviews and annotated bibliographies for Buddhism related topics. Access the bibliographies by browsing through an alphabetical list, using the 'Jump To' shortcut, or searching with keywords.