You want to find a book titled _____ by ____. Does the library have it?

Finding out whether the library has a book is easy. Use the library catalog, which will tell you whether we have a book or not, and where to get it if we do:

You do not have to enter the entire title of your book. Just the keywords (important words), for example:

The book you want: 

Cognitive Humanistic Therapy: Buddhism, Christianity, and Being Fully Human by Richard Nelson-Jones.

The keywords you can use to search:

cognitive humanistic therapy Nelson-Jones

Pick 2-3 words from the title that are important and the author's last name for quicker and more accurate results. You can also use ISBN (but paperback and hardback versions of the same title may have different ISBNs). The catalog will tell you that the library does have this book and it is located in the 'Main' section of the library, along with a Call Number location on the shelf.

Call number sequences are available on the library shelves in alphanumeric order. If you're not sure where 'Main' or any other section of the library is, click on the title to get a description:


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